May 21, 2020

2:00 PM EDT - 3:00 PM EDT

The Tableau Learning Series webinars are designed to grow the understanding of the types of visualizations and applications for which Tableau can be used.

This webinar session on Dashboard Interactivity is intended to expose users to the basics of setting up action filters, menus, or URLs. Dashboard Interactivity can be easy to achieve in Tableau. 

Attendees discovered the functionality of dashboard interactivity which includes:

  • Using the “Use as Filter” option for each viz or view placed within a dashboard
  • Worksheet or Dashboard level set up  
  • Filter, menu, or URL Interactivity functions
  • Defining the interaction of content selection and content shown by allowing users to choose sources for selection
  • Defining the targets that are acted on based on the source selection. 

Fill out the form below to view this on-Demand event.