July 24, 2019

2:00 PM EDT - 3:00 PM EDT

Agent Orange, a herbicide used during the Vietnam war, is now classified as a human carcinogen. It enters the body through physical contact or indigestion. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) assumes that certain diseases can be related to a veteran's qualifying military service, which VA calls "presumptive diseases". The Agent Orange Act of 1991 allows for coverage for anyone serving in the Republic of Vietnam, including "Blue Water" veterans.

In October of 2018, Tableau partnered with the VA to launch the Agent Orange Student Viz Challenge. The teams were provided the coordinates for two ships and twelve points off the coast of Vietnam and challenged to build a map in Tableau to identify whether ships entered the exposure zone and may qualify for benefits.

In this webinar, Brian Harris reviewed the approach that was taken to discover new insights with data and support veterans, which include:
  • Defining the impact area
  • Mapping the ship coordinates
  • Systematically identifying overlap

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